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$20,000,000: Time to split bounties!

$20,000,000: Time to split bounties!

HackerOne has always been interested in giving back as much as possible. We strive to make it easy to help contribute to others who have been influential in your bug hunting. As a hacker myself, I know there is no way I would be where I’m at without the help of others.

We are excited to announce bounty splitting! A feature designed to give back to those other hackers who helped you find that RCE! Here is what it looks like from the company’s view:

Bounty splitting in the Hacktivity feed

Here is the same view, but for the hackers:

Feature GIF

You can now set exactly how much you want to split.

The feature has been enabled for a few select programs, including our own . It's enabled when you see the "Manage Collaborators" link in the report heading. We're beta testing this feature, so if you've worked together with someone on a report: send us the report ID and we'll chat with the program to enable the feature.

Happy hacking!

Justin Calmus

HackerOne is the #1 hacker-powered security platform , helping organizations find and fix critical vulnerabilities before they can be criminally exploited. As the contemporary alternative to traditional penetration testing , our bug bounty program solutions encompass vulnerability assessment , crowdsourced testing and responsible disclosure management . Discover more about our security testing solutions or Contact Us today.