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Vulnerability Disclosure, Security Compliance, Company Resources, GDPR, Compliance

The ICO’s 12-Step Guide to GDPR Compliance

The United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office suggested “12 steps to take now” to get ahead of GDPR’s impact on your operations and processes...

Security Compliance, GDPR, Company Resources, Compliance

Hey Startups, Check Your GDPR Progress with this GDPR Checklist

The GDPR Checklist is just that: a checklist to make sure you’ve covered the basics concerning GDPR. It’s...

Security Compliance, GDPR, Compliance

Q&A with CRANIUM: Easing Compliance with “GDPR in a Box”

CRANIUM, an international consulting company specializing in privacy, data protection and information security...

Company News, GDPR, Expert Interviews, Compliance

The CISO’s Guide to GDPR: Q&A with Thomas Fischer

We recently caught up with GDPR expert Thomas Fischer for his help in answering some questions for us on the...

Company News, Best Practices, GDPR, Company Resources, Compliance

GDPR: Let’s kill the FUD

It seems everywhere you look, the talk about GDPR is designed to scare you into action. Fear, uncertainty, and...

Security Compliance, Company Resources, GDPR, Expert Interviews, Compliance

Q&A with Jane Frankland: GDPR, CISOs, and Women in Cybersecurity

Jane Frankland is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, and consultant in cybersecurity and entrepreneurism...

Security Compliance, Company Resources, Data and Analysis, GDPR, Compliance

What percentage of your software vulnerabilities have GDPR implications?

Do you know how many of your unknown vulnerabilities have the potential to cause a breach of consumer data? In...

Security Compliance, Best Practices, GDPR, Compliance

Ready or Not, Here Comes GDPR

The European General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, will take effect on May 25, 2018 and it...