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Ethical Hacker

Ethical hackers, pentesters, and security researchers. We explain everything you need to know about them and how they can help your organization.

Ethical Hacker

What Does Belgium’s New Legal Framework On Hacking Mean For Me?

The Belgian government has recently announced a new Belgian law that will allow ethical hackers to hack any Belgian company without any prior...

Ethical Hacker, New Features

Show Us Your Mad Skillz! Introducing Hacker Skills

Hackers can now identify their skills by submitting relevant reports which are verified by HackerOne.

Ethical Hacker, New Program Launch

Hackers Wanted: Hack the Army & Pentagon!

Hackers we have big news from our partners at the Pentagon! The DoD is announcing their Vulnerability...

Ethical Hacker, News, Challenge

Announcing HACK THE ARMY

Secretary of the Army, Eric Fanning, announced plans to launch the U.S. Army’s first ever bug bounty challenge...

Ethical Hacker, From The CEO

Marten Mickos wants to let a million hackers loose on corporate America

HackerOne CEO Marten Mickos sat down with the San Francisco Business Times to discuss bug bounty programs and...

Ethical Hacker, New Features, Data and Analysis

A HackerOne Thanksgiving

Better way to give thanks to our amazing hackers by releasing a new and improved Thanks page on hacker...

From The CEO, Ethical Hacker, News, Vulnerability Disclosure, Response


The Department of Defense announced plans to expand upon the successful "Hack the Pentagon" bug bounty pilot...

Ethical Hacker, Events

Hack The World 2016: The Final Countdown

The Hack the World bug bounty contest concludes on September 19th 2016. Get your reports in now!

Ethical Hacker, Data and Analysis

The 2016 Bug Bounty Hacker Report

Who are these white hat hackers that are reporting vulnerabilities to companies? HackerOne created the 2016...